Legal Disclaimer

All products, logos, brands and names are owned by there respective companies and should not be considered endorsements by Stellar Crunch LLC unless otherwise specified. All 3rd party products are used for identification purposes only. Stellar Crunch logos media and pictures are owned by Stellar Crunch LLC and use of images and media without written consent is prohibited.

All products sold are meant for retail purposes only. All items listed are not approved or meant for human consumption. Stellar Crunch LLC is not responsible nor liable for any adverse reactions due to consumption of products such as, but not limited to; Food Poisoning, Food Borne Illnesses, Allergic Reactions, or any other adverse side effects that would come with human consumption of our products. Buy purchasing our product you assume responsibility and liability for any possible side/health effects that may occur, should you choose to consume our products.

All products listed are made with food grade items listed as safe by the FDA and are made in a safe, clean and sanitized environment, using tools and equipment safe for food handling. However, it is implied and assumed, should you choose to consume products, that you do so "at your own risk."